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Little Ripple Athlete Coaches

2025: This year the Riptides board has changed our volunteer position to a compensated athlete coach position. We will be conducting an application and interview process. 4 teenagers of the age 14-18 will be selected through the interview process. 3 teenagers will be full time and 1 substitute. The interview process will be conducted by a committee of board members and coaches. 

We are seeking enthusiastic older swimmers who will be committed to helping coach the little ripple and 8 and under swimmers. Criteria for these coaches:

  • Mandatory attendance
  • Desire to learn about teaching and coaching techniques
  • Communication with the Head Coach and Board Representative, including absences
  • Positive mentorship of younger swimmers
  • Demonstrate leadership among the team 

 If your child is 14 to 18 years old and is interested in being a Little Ripples Athlete coach, please fill out the https://docs.google.com/document/d/10K7mIU-WS5l-fGGYHrZS5N9oFYt31kEl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107900956573234720287&rtpof=true&sd=true

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