Team Handbook
FAMILY HANDBOOK (Revised May 2025)
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The Riss Lake Swim Team provides a fun and competitive swimming program in a community atmosphere. This is a developmental program designed for the benefit of all swimmers of all abilities.
- Provide qualified swimming instruction for a team member, which is accomplished by contracting with qualified coaches.
- Provide a chance for each swimmer to perform to the best of their ability in as many events as possible.
A volunteer board manages and organizes the Riss Lake Swim Team. The board is responsible for contracting qualified coaches, providing practice and home meet facilities, managing team finances, coordinating volunteers and maintaining team membership in the Northland Swim Conference. A copy of the By-Laws is posted on the team website and may be requested from any board member.
Swim Board
CLICK HERE for current board members
Any Riss Lake resident or previous team member may join the team if they meet the age and ability requirements. Non-residents are accepted in age groups with less than 40 swimmers.
Prerequisite Skills
The Riptides do not hold formal tryouts, however, we do require some skill evaluations:
- 4 to 8 year olds must be able to jump into the pool unassisted and swim the length of the pool [25 meters] in either freestyle or backstroke, without assistance, to compete.
- 9 to 18 year olds must be able to swim 50 meters of freestyle or backstroke to compete.
- A developmental team called the Little Ripples is designed for swimmers who are not ready for competition. For the safety of all, Little Ripples are expected to be able to jump into the pool and swim the WIDTH of the pool unassisted (can be dog paddle) and be at least 5 years of age by August 1st [age will be verified by birth certificate] and kindergarten eligible. Coaches will provide evaluations during the first practices to make sure all are prepared.
Interested swimmers must submit all required forms and pay swim team fees prior to the first scheduled practice.
Obligations to the Team
CLICK HERE to be directed to the communication page on the team website. The board and coaches utilize the Swimtopia platform and app to send email and text communications regarding team updates, practice cancellations and weather.
Team Dues
The dues cover expenses such as coaching fees, insurance, conference fees and equipment (public address system, upkeep on starting blocks, lane ropes, flags, tables, etc.)
- Registration is $225 total for 1st swimmer, and $200 for all additional swimmers, this includes Little Ripple swimmers. (Breakdown of registration fee: $163 coaching fee, $12 Northland Conference fee and $50 USA Swimming fee). Club Swimmers (not high school) must provide proof of USA Swimming membership to waive the $50 registration fee for USA Swimming.
- Non-residents will pay an additional $40 fee per family
- $50 USA Swimming registration fee (for non-year-round swimmers) - Paid Directly to USA swimming by parents (applies to all swimmers including Little Ripples).
- Registration can be completed online and all registration fees can be paid online with a credit card payment. If an alternate payment method is necessary, please contact the Riss Lake Riptides Treasurer.
Release Forms
Medical and liability release forms must be signed and on file before a swimmer enters the water on their first practice. A new Medical and liability release forms must be completed and signed before the start of the first practice of each season a swimmer participates.
Photo Release form must be signed and on file before a swimmer attends first practice. A new photo release permission form must be signed each year and one file with the team before the start of each season.
Zero Tolerance Policy:
Each Parent must read and sign the Riss Lake Riptides zero tolerance policy for Parent and Athlete.
Grievance Policy:
The Riss Lake Riptides grievance procedure provides swimmers, parents, coaches, and club leaders a system to address and report grievances in a productive, systematic way. Following these procedures provides the appropriate parties a means to properly investigate, intervene and take disciplinary action when needed.
WHOM TO NOTIFY OF A GRIEVANCE: (chain of command)
- Regarding conduct of a swimmer
- Should a parent or swimmer feel the conduct of a fellow swimmer is inappropriate or violates the Riss Lake Riptides family handbook code of conduct, the parent/swimmer should discuss concerns with the coach overseeing the swimmer responsible during the said violation. This complaint should be made in person or in writing. If the violation continues or witnessed again the concern can be elevated to the head coach. The coaches will make sure the Riss Lake Board Members are notified of the complaint and can be brought in assessing behavior if necessary.
- Regarding conduct of a coach
- Should a parent or swimmer feel an assistant coach’s conduct is inappropriate or a violation of club policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the head coach of the violation. The complaint should be made in person or in writing. The head coach will ensure that the Riss Lake Riptides Board Members are notified of the complaint and will participate in accessing the situation.
- Regarding conduct of Head Coach
- Should a parent or swimmer feel the head coach’s conduct is inappropriate or violates any club policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the President of the Board of Directors of this violation. This complaint should be made in person or writing. If the President is not immediately available, the complaint may be presented to any member of the Board of members, with notification made in writing to the President. This complaint will be subject to review and discussion by the full Board Members.
- Regarding conduct of a Member of the Board
- Should a parent or swimmer feel a Board Member’s conduct is inappropriate or violates any club policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the Board President of this violation in person or in writing. If the Board President is the Member whose conduct is in question, the Board Vice President should be notified in writing or in person. The complaint will be reviewed and discussed by the full Board.
- Regarding the Parent or Swim Official Conduct
- Should a parent or swimmer feel another parent’s or an official’s conduct is inappropriate or violates any club policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the Head coach and the Board President of this violation in person or in writing. This complaint will be reviewed and discussed by the full Board.
Note: With the exception of the issues which immediately affect the health and safety of swimmers, all matters should be discussed before or after a coaching session.
How Grievances will be handled:
The Board Members have the authority to impose penalties for infractions of the Riss Lake Riptides Athlete, Parent, Coach codes of conduct or any behavior(s) they deem not conducive to the best interest of the club or other swimmers. Consequences are at the sole discretion of the coaches and/or Riss Lake Riptides board members and may include, but not limited to, verbal warnings, dismissal from practice, contacting parents, temporary suspension from club activities, and expulsion.
The U.S. Center for Safe Sport and USA Swimming will be contacted within 24 hours if a coach, parent or swimmer violates the SafeSport, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, Athlete Protection Policy, or any local laws.
- Gathering and documentation of information
- Contact with grievance party
- Contact with person whom grievance is made against
- Contact with any witnesses of misconduct
- Assessment of Behavior
- Evaluation of behavior using club policies, facility rules, USA Swimming Codes of Conduct, USA Swimming Safe Sport policies
- Consequences:
- Nature of misconduct
- Severity of misconduct
- Prior disciplinary actions
- Adverse effect of the misconduct
- Application of the code of conduct
Discipline Policy/Zero Tolerance Policy
In order to make practices and meets the most beneficial and safe for all, a discipline policy for both athletes and parents must be signed. If a coach encounters a problem, they will give your child one warning to stop their disruptive behavior. If the behavior continues, the child will be asked to sit out for a period of time. If the behavior continues, the parents will be notified and the child will be sent home for the day.
Parent Volunteers at Swim Meets
All families are expected to volunteer at meets. The number of shifts will be based on registration numbers and will be provided at the start of the season. More info regarding volunteer positions can be viewed on the website under the Volunteering tab.
For the current practice schedule, please refer to the team website.
Practice Procedures: Daily practices are used to build strength, improve skills and increase speed. Swimmers should make every effort to attend daily practices. If a swimmer finds it necessary to miss practice, advise the coach as soon as possible.
When arriving for practice, ALL BIKERS/WALKERS MUST USE THE STAIRS NEAR THE SOUTH END OF THE POOL ON RISS LAKE DRIVE. It is too dangerous for bikes and walkers to use the driveway at the north end due to too much car traffic.
Morning Practices
- Practice will begin with “dry-land” exercises geared toward warming up swimmers before they enter the water. Please wear athletic shoes – no flip flops.
- Siblings may not swim before, during or after practice. This includes the baby pool.
- Practice will be canceled if there is lightning, though a light amount of rain will not keep us from practicing. Check your email for last minute schedule changes.
- Parents should refrain from coaching their children and stay back from the sides of the pool during practice. The coaches will communicate to the swimmers whether they are working hard enough or doing the stroke correctly, etc.
Night practices [optional]
These practices are provided primarily for swimmers who have morning conflicts and cannot make it to morning practices. They are not meant for swimmers to "double up" on practices in a day. Depending on evening attendance, the coaches may occasionally designate these practices for specific skills work (i.e. starts, turns) and might encourage some swimmers to attend to get extra work in these areas.
For any schedule changes, check the website: or email, text, Facebook, etc.
Season Schedule (see website for schedule)
The season will consist of 6 scheduled meets (3 at home and 3 away) and 1 conference meet. Meets are traditionally held on Thursday evenings. Season schedule will be available on the team website after registration opens.
Parents are responsible for declaring their swimmers’ availability for each meet prior to the sign up deadline. Declarations can be submitted via the Swimtopia app or the team website.
All swimmers who compete in three dual meets and meet the qualifying time in an event will earn a place at the Conference Championship meet held at the end of the swim season. The Head Coach will post times throughout the season so that each swimmer can compare their time to conference qualifying times. Qualifying conference times may be found on our website and on the bulletin board at the pool. An excellent goal for the season is to improve on time at each meet and strive to qualify for the Conference Championship meet. While a swimmer may qualify in some or all events, the swimmer is allowed to swim in only three individual events at Conference.
Weather Policy:
The team will have practice and/or participate in a swim meet unless notified otherwise. Communication will be shared via email and text.
Competition Suit: We suggest you wear your competition suit only for meets, not for practice or recreational swimming. These suits are usually created smaller to cut down on resistance. Team suits are encouraged but not required, especially for Little Ripples who may not compete in a meet. The swim team selects a new style of suit every year for families to purchase if desired.Guidelines require that competition swimwear not contain any form of fasteners: such as but not limited to: zippers, ties, etc. Regulations require that no swimmer wear another swim team’s logo during competition.
Practice Suit: Swimmers should have a one piece suit that is only used for practices and recreational swimming. Girls should have a one piece with a cross back; boys should wear a jammer, Speedo or drag suit.
Caps: A swim cap is worn during a race or practice to cut down on resistance and to protect the swimmer’s hair from the effects of chlorine. It is recommended that all swimmers wear a cap. Team caps also are available for purchaseRegulations require that no swimmer wear another team’s logo during competition.
Goggles: Swimmers wear goggles during practice and competition to enhance visibility and protection from the effects of chemicals in the water.
Towel: Large beach towels work best.
Sweats: Swimmers are encouraged to bring/wear sweat suits during meets, and before/after practice.
Tennis shoes for practice are required for dry-land warm-ups.
Each year during Registration the team has a variety of items with the Riss Lake Riptides logo to purchase for swimmers, family and friends.