Riss Lake Swim Team Bylaws
CLICK HERE for a downloadable version of our Bylaws
Riss Lake Riptide Swim Team, Inc.
Revised March 2025
The Riss Lake Swim Team Board is collectively responsible for all policies and operations of the Riss Lake Swim Team, Inc. No rule or operating policy of the Riss Lake Swim Team may conflict with any policy of the Northland Swim Conference. The Riss Lake Swim Team will adhere to the official U.S.A. Swimming Rules and Regulations.
A. To be eligible to participate, the swimmer must be approved by the Riss Lake Swim Team and dues paid to the team Treasurer. A new or returning swimmer cannot practice or participate without payment of dues and a current USA Swimming membership. All swimmers will be expected to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the Family Handbook. All resident swimmers must be in good standing with the Riss Lake Homes Association.
B. RETURNING SWIMMERS: Returning swimmers may participate upon Riss Lake Swim Team Board and coach approval and payment of dues to the treasurer.
C. NEW SWIMMERS: To qualify for the swim team, the child must be five to eighteen years old on or before August 1st. The participant must possess basic swimming skills as determined by the coach.
D. REFUND OF DUES: The team fees will not be refunded unless the prospective member(s) move(s) or has a physical handicap which will prevent him or her from swimming. The amount refunded will be less fees incurred such as USA Swimming and Northland Conference. No refunds will be issued after mid-June.
Riss Lake Riptides Eligibility:
All Resident Swimmers and previous year non-resident swimmers will be eligible to register for the team by the deadline, as determined by the board for the current season. New non-resident swimmers can fill out an interest form and will be notified after registration is closed.
Resident Swimmer: A swimmer who is a dependent of a resident of Riss Lake or the Riss Lake resident who has legal guardianship of a child. The Riss Lake Resident must be in good standing with the Riss Lake Homeowner’s Association.
Non-Resident Swimmer : Any swimmer who resides outside of Riss Lake.
Exceptions:Former Resident Swimmers: Families who participated in the Riss Lake Swim Team as residents but then moved from the sub-division will still be considered “residents” in consecutive seasons and will be considered “resident swimmers”. However, if a swimmer moves from Riss
Lake and wishes to rejoin after more than one season has elapsed after the swimmer moved from the subdivision, that swimmer will then be considered a “non-resident swimmer.”
The Riss Lake Swim Team Board shall be composed of eleven (11) voting members. The elected board members shall consist of:
a) Executive Board Members
b) Swim Team Chairpersons (7)
A majority of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any Board meeting and a majority vote of those present shall govern. All executive board members (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) shall be residents of Riss Lake.
The board will approve all members of the Riss Lake Swim Team. The board shall ensure that all swimmers entered in meets are members in good standing with the Riss Lake Swim Team and USA Swimming. Boardmembers are required to be Safe Sport trained and registered. The board will approve the hiring and set the salaries of all Swim Team coaches and their assistants. The board shall determine the general policies for the control and operation of the activities of the team. They shall also attend Riss Lake Swim Team Board meetings and actively participate in decisions.
Representatives shall attend all Northland Conference meetings and bring any changes or recommendations for change in conference rulings to the Riss Lake Swim Team board. One of the four representatives shall be on the Northland Conference Rules Committee, attend meetings, and vote on behalf of the team.
a) PRESIDENT shall conduct all board and general meetings. The president shall execute all contracts for and on behalf of the Riss Lake Swim Team. He/she shall perform all duties usually incident to the office of President and perform all duties that the Board may prescribe. President shall be the liaison between the coach and the board, either personally or through a coaches’ advisory committee. The President shall cosign and endorse in the name of the swim team all checks that the Treasurer issues for payment. He/she shall maintain our incorporation with the state of Missouri and keep current our D&O insurance coverage.
b) VICE PRESIDENT shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, and such other duties as the Board shall prescribe. The Vice-President shall oversee the storage and maintenance of our equipment. He/she shall also have oversight of fundraising.
c) SECRETARY shall keep accurate record of all Board and general meetings, shall keep copies of Northland Conference Minutes, handle all correspondence, give notice of all meetings to team parents and manage website and social media accounts. He/she shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Bylaws and Family Handbook.
d) TREASURER: shall be chairperson of the finance committee consisting of himself, one Board member and one member at large. The committee shall prepare a budget proposal. The treasurer will present the budget to the board for approval. Membership dues will be determined by the board. Unauthorized expenditures will only be reimbursed by the board at the close of the Season. The treasurer shall be responsible for providing a current list of paid members to the coach, all board members and any other persons responsible for entering participants in meets.The treasurer shall present a financial report at each general membership meeting. The treasurer shall maintain the team checking account and a record of the team members.The treasurer shall prepare or have prepared such tax reports and information returns as local, state, and federal laws require.
a) VOLUNTEER CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of organizing runners, timers, across-the-board judges, scoring table workers, the clerk of the course, and hospitality workers for each meet. He/she shall be in charge of organizing meet set-up and clean-up. He/she shall recruit parents to fill these jobs and notify parents of their commitments.
b) FUNDRAISING CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of securing team sponsorship including ads, spirit wear, fundraising programs and picking up and transporting to Home Meets the heat sheet.
c) SPIRIT CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of team photo, news releases, meet themes, family fun day, Friday doughnuts, fun meets, and team social events. He/she shall recruit parents to fill these jobs and notify parents of their commitments.
d) RECORD KEEPING CHAIRPERSON (MEET DIRECTOR) shall maintain a team records book and best times on team members. He/she shall recruit parents to prepare heat sheets for printing and labels for ribbons for the meets.
e) REGISTRATION CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of registration for the swim team. He/she shall organize swimsuit selection and try-on dates. He/she shall be in charge of other apparel orders, such as t-shirts, swim caps, etc. He/she shall apply for membership to US Swimming for all swimmers that are not current US Swimming members and for all necessary meet officials, coaches and board members. He/she shall set up the team roster on meet manager software for the coach at the beginning of the season.
f) CONCESSIONS CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of recruiting parents for concessions for all swim meets. He/she shall purchase all food, drink, and paper items.
g) OFFICIALS AND CERTIFICATION CHAIRPERSON shall be in charge of organizing for each meet the announcer, the starter, the referee, and the stroke judges. He/she shall recruit parents to fill these jobs and notify parents of certification clinics. He/she shall attend Northland Conference meetings and vote in the absence of another representative.
Executive board members shall be elected by a majority vote of those members of the team in attendance at the annual meetings. The committee chairpersons will be appointed by the executive members. One vote will be allowed per family. The term of office will be one year ending August 1st, subject to re-election. If a board member resigns during the term of office, the remaining board members will be responsible for filling the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
Board meetings can be called at any time by any board member. Time and date of general membership meetings shall be posted for the general attendance on the website (Team Open House, Season Kick-Off, and Banquet).
Amendments to these by-laws can be recommended by the board and ratified by majority vote of members of the team in attendance at a general membership meeting. One vote will be allowed per family.
The team shall, to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of the State of Missouri, indemnify any and all persons whom it shall have power to indemnify under said provisions from and against any and all of the expenses, liabilities, or other matters referred to in or covered by said provisions, and the indemnification provided for herein shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled under any By-Law, agreement, vote of members or directors, or otherwise, both as to action in his or her official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer, employee, or agent, and shall ensure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such a person.