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Jobs Descriptions

Certified Jobs

Requires training. Please inquire if interested in one of these. Our team is currently seeking parents interested in these roles. The more officials we have as a team, the more the roles can be shared throughout the season. Training is simple, but does require attending specific training events and a background check. Additionally, these roles give you the front row seat to see each race. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Referee (Home only) Must complete training, test and class. Must have 2 years experience as Starter prior to working as Referee. This is the full authority official for the meet.

Starter (Home only) Must complete training, test and class. Must have 2 years experience as Stroke Judge prior to working as Starter. Announces the event and starts each heat. Assures a fair start for each heat is achieved.

Stroke & Turn Judge (Home and Away) Must complete training, test and class. This official monitors the stroke techniques of all swimmers.

Computer Official (Home and Away) Computer worker requires special training and must be approved by the board prior to filling. This job involves entering the race results into the computer for final scoring. Computer worker works directly with the table workers.

Volunteer Jobs

The number of required volunteer jobs per family may change depending on meet format and capacity allowed. All families will be required to fulfill their volunteer jobs whether their swimmer participates in meets or not.  

Announcer (Home only) This job involves setting up and working with the PA system at the pool. Some working knowledge of how a swim meet runs would be helpful. The announcer is responsible for informing the crowd of which swim races are coming up, scores and concession information, etc.

Easy to learn, minimum training involved jobs.

Timer (Home and Away) One of the easiest jobs, and also one of the most essential. Stands at blocks. Starts stopwatch at the signal and stops the watch when swimmer touches the wall.

Back-Up Timer (Home meets only) This person will have 2 watches to activate and will wait for a possible SOS call from timer with malfunctioning watch.

Across-the-Board (Home and Away) Is seated at the finish of each race, perpendicular to the wall in order to see each lane's finish placement. Works with the volunteer from the opposing team to mark a sheet with lane finish order and hands it to the runner.

Head Balloter (Home and Away) Checks paperwork for each event to ensure all ATB slips and timers sheets are in order and accounted for and ATB slips match or are flagged before passing along to Data entry table. 18+

Ribbons (Home and Away- second half of meet only) Works with the Computer Official to attach stickers to the back of ribbons for the place finishers as the meet progresses and organizes them for the two teams to distribute.

Data Entry (Home and Away)Time Readers are the persons who assist the Computer Official to read swimmers' finish times for recording into the computer by the Official. Brief training will be provided prior to the meet. 18+

Clerk of the Course - (Home Only) This is a challenging job and takes an authoritative person, thus the increased point value! This person works with the swimmers to line them up in heats and to get them to the starting blocks for upcoming races. Our team plans to enlist two adults for this role each half-meet. You will also work with a Clerk of the Course from the other team. If you work with children as a teacher or coach or youth group leader, you would be perfect for this role! 18+ 

Clerk of the Course (helper) (Away Only) This person will assist the host team's Clerk of the Course. This is a challenging job and takes an authoritative person, thus the increased point value. This person works with the swimmers to line them up in heats and to get them to the starting blocks for upcoming races. Perfect for a teacher, coach or youth group leader! 18+

Concessions (Home only) Two people for each half to assist with concessions. We will need two people to work with our Concessions Chair to take and serve orders and handle cash.

Runner (Home only) Relays the time sheets from the Timers, lane finish sheets from the Balloters and any DQ slips from the judges to the Computer Official's table.

Safety Marshal (Home only) Needs to be able to arrive by 4:00, as swimmers cannot enter the water until the Marshals are in place. Ensures that all safety standards are enforced on the pool deck- by swimmers and spectators. Makes sure that swimmers and spectators behave in a safe manner (no running, unruly behavior, etc). We will give you a snazzy safety vest for this job! 18+

Parking Lot Attendant (Home only) Needs to be able to arrive by 3:45. This person directs the flow of traffic as families drop their gear and swimmers off for the meet and insure safety in the parking lot before the meet begins and during the beginning of meet. We will give you a snazzy vest for this job! 18+

Heat Sheet Sales/Volunteer Checkin (Home only) This role checks in volunteers from our team as they arrive and sells heat sheets (supplied by the team) during the first half of the meet.

Heat Ribbons (Home only) Heat ribbon worker awards heat ribbons to the winners of each heat for the 8 & Under and 9-10 age groups. Must pay close attention to the meet and be on deck when these age groups are swimming.

Hospitality (Home only) This role provides drinks (supplied by concessions) to other volunteers during the meet. You will be moving about quite a bit, possibly pulling a rolling cooler.

Clean-Up (Home only) All families need to help clean up their crash area and trash. Resetting the pool deck after a meet will be assigned by Age Group (see meet info for assigments). If you have a swimmer in the assigned age group please stay to help get all loungers, tables, chairs and umbrellas that need to be put back to be ready for the pool to open the next day. 

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