
Latest News

Morning Practice

Due to the incoming storms, we have canceled all morning practices. We will hold evening practices and possibly later morning practices if the weather clears.
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Riptides News Week of June 10-14

Hello Riptide families!


  • This week’s calendar items
  • Action Items - meet declarations and picture orders
  • This week’s Meet Info
  • Stay informed with Facebook, Instagram and Swimtopia App


Our Week at a glance:

  • Monday
    • Regular practice
    • Evening practice
    • Meet declaration deadline at midnight!
  • Tuesday
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Old Pike @ Riss Lake — Meet Entries

Good Afternoon Riptides!

Our first official meet is here!  Please take a moment and double check your athlete's entries.  If you see any issues, contact me at [email protected].  

More meet details will be sent out in a seperate email.


Coach Cooper

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Riptides News Week of June 3-7

Hello Riptide families!

Once again, there is A LOT of information in this newsletter. Please take the time to read it as there is a lot going on this week and important SAFETY INFORMATION.


  • This week’s calendar items
  • Action Items - meet declarations!
  • Safety Reminders
  • Shirts,
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Picture Day is Coming!

Picture Day is June 22nd at 7:30am.  This year we will be using Dice Photography for our team pictures. All Swimmers should arrive at the pool by 7:30 am for group and individual pictures.  Order forms are available to print online or pick up a copy at practice.  Order forms and payment…

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Riptides Win!

6/8/23 Riss Lake 724 Coves 389

Full results posted on the website under Meet Results.  Great start Riptides!

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Wednesday Practice - 6/1

Well, mother nature keeps throwing us curveballs. We are going to get back at it tomorrow morning despite the potentially chillier temps. Remember parents, the pool is heated. Athletes should bring warm clothes to get into after their practice sessions.

All 8 and Under/Little Ripple swimmers should try and be…

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Practice Cancellation

Due to the forecast of continuing bad weather, we are cancelling all practices for today, Tuesday, May 31st. Thank you for understanding.
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Practice Cancellation

Due to the forecast of continuing bad weather, we are cancelling all practices for today, Tuesday, May 31st.  Thank you for understanding. 

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This week

Due to predicted cold weather and rain, all practices and evaluations are cancelled for Monday-Wednesday. Look for an email later today about rest of week.
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